TOEIC คำที่ 3201 - 3300

3201 town n. city
3202 official n. person who holds public position; authority
3203 modification n. change; adjustment, agreement; adaptation; restriction
3204 cab n. taxi; carriage; driver's compartment
3205 situation n. condition; circumstance; location; position; job; place of employment
3206 visibility n. quality of being clearly seen
3207 altitude n. height; distance above sea level
3208 cure n. method or course that restores health; prescribed treatment for an illness
3209 series n. sequence; succession; television program broadcast in installments
3210 notice n. announcement; poster, sign; warning; attention; consideration
3211 instruct v. to inform; to direct; to guide; to command; to order; to educate
3212 smoothly adv. gently; without roughness or projections; evenly; calmly
3213 injure v. to hurt; to wound; to insult; to offend; to damage
3214 expenditure n. spending; disbursement; outlay (especially financial)
3215 provide v. to supply; to grant; to set; to offer
3216 glossary n. list of terms and definitions (usually at the end of a book); dictionary of technical or specific terms
3217 fair adv. justly; equitably; directly; completely; really
3218 forecast v. to predict a future event or condition; to foretell
3219 source n. origin; starting point
3220 potency n. power; strength; force; capacity to be
3221 backlash n. rebound; recoiling; sudden movement to the rear
3222 scratch n. abrasion; cut; score of zero; cash; money (Slang)
3223 clip n. clamp; fastener; shred; segment of video
3224 money supply n. the total amount of funds in circulation in a given country's economy
3225 inspection n. act of looking over carefully and critically; official examination; audit; review
3226 offence n. attack; misdeed; insult; transgression
3227 prior n. officer of a monastery; high-ranking member of a religious order
3228 repair n. act of fixing; correction; act of mending
3229 last n. end; conclusion; final appearance; power of endurance; vitality; unit of weight
3230 propensity n. inclination; tendency; disposition; aptitude
3231 take v. to seize; to capture; to possess; to contract
3232 vaccinate v. to render insusceptible to a disease by inoculating
3233 monetize v. to turn into profit; to generate revenue
3234 upgrade n. the process of installing a newer and more powerful version of a software package or a piece of hardware
3235 awesome adj. impressive; inspiring; great; frightening
3236 membership n. state of belonging to an organization or group; fellowship
3237 posture n. viewpoint; stance; condition; state; mood; attitude
3238 manual adj. physical; done using human skill or force
3239 sink v. to submerge; to fall down below the surface (especially in water)
3240 grade n. mark; level; degree; rank; type; extend; class (in a school)
3241 site n. place; location; area
3242 tension n. tautness; strain; nervousness; agitation; apprehension
3243 blame n. guilt; responsibility; liability
3244 obligation n. duty responsibility; indebtedness; agreement
3245 letterhead n. line printed at the top of a piece of stationary
3246 vocabulary n. lexicon; list of words and their definitions in alphabetical order
3247 incentive n. stimulus; inducement; enticement; encouragement
3248 clock n. timepiece; device for telling time
3249 education n. learning; instruction; imparting of knowledge; upbringing
3250 reference n. comment; remark; ascription; mention; regard
3251 doctor n. person who is licensed to practice medicine (i.e. physician, surgeon etc.)
3252 sort v. to classify; to organize; to separate from others; to clarify
3253 postpone v. to put off to a later time; to delay; to defer; to put off until later; to stay
3254 attentive adj. concentrated; focused; observant; polite; caring
3255 payment n. wage; salary; compensation; bonus; punishment
3256 innocent n. person who is free from sin or wrongdoing
3257 affect v. to influence
3258 ticket v. to label; to fine
3259 course n. direction; series of lessons or training units; layer; part of a meal
3260 prerogative n. right; special privilege
3261 approach n. access; method; system; procedure
3262 composure n. serenity; self-control; calmness; coolness
3263 comparison n. pointing out of similarities and differences; similarity; likeness
3264 framework n. support; skeleton; structure; system
3265 acceptance n. act of receiving; approval; state of believing in something
3266 letter n. character which is part of an alphabet; written communication sent to a person or organization
3267 boost v. to raise; to push; to urge; to lift
3268 lecture n. discourse given before an audience; tedious reprimand; formal reproof
3269 visit n. temporary stay somewhere; instance of spending time with a person or group of people; inspection
3270 internal n. inner quality; intrinsic characteristic
3271 deploy v. to speak out; to move into a position of readiness and availability
3272 prioritize v. to organize according to importance
3273 staff n. employees working in an organization; personnel; crew; team
3274 bottom v. to establish; to construct; to base; to provide a foundation
3275 setback n. obstacle; misfortune; something which hinders progress
3276 unable adj. not capable
3277 scale n. progression of steps; table of graduated rates; system of marks used for measuring
3278 artisan n. creator; craftsman; skilled workman
3279 insulate v. to separate from others; to segregate
3280 develop v. to build; to create; to design; to grow
3281 appearance n. impression; the way a person looks; image; semblance
3282 rectangle n. parallelogram
3283 understatement n. representing something less strongly than what the facts would justify
3284 realization n. accomplishment; fulfillment
3285 brand n. trademark; type; make; variety; product name
3286 instance n. occurrence; occasion; example; illustration
3287 tenant n. lodger; occupant; resident; renter; landlord
3288 insert n. something created separately for the purpose of being added to or placed inside (a book, newspaper, etc.)
3289 copy n. duplicate; photostat
3290 effect n. result; outcome; impact; trick; natural phenomenon
3291 adhere v. to stick to; to cling to; to be devoted to (an idea, group, organization etc.)
3292 flat money n. banknote printed by a government as legal tender which is not redeemable and which lacks economic value
3293 format v. to design the appearance of; to arrange; to prepare a diskette or hard disk for use
3294 move v. to act on; to transfer from one place to another; to change residence
3295 denial n. refusal to accept; refusal to believe; refusal to recognize
3296 mission n. task; assignment; delegation; errand; religious delegation
3297 expand v. to grow larger; to broaden; to increase; to enlarge; to add to
3298 trustee n. person granted legal custodianship over property not belonging to him
3299 preface v. to use as an introduction; to use as a foreword
3300 demand v. to claim; to require; to request strongly