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United to help people of Nepal through the Nepali community.

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       Now, both the government and private sectors of Thailand put their efforts  to send aid to Nepal. Some Nepalese people have already been rescued. But there are more, not less, waiting for help. The reason is that the aid cannot reach them, or reach too few of them.  I think Thai people who follow the news already know the situation. However, all parties are working hard. We all hope that the misery suffered by the people of Nepal would be gradually diminishing.


Roads damaged by the quake (Photo: Ramesh Tamang)

       As the webmaster of, I have never asked you  to join any social contribution or donation. Today, I would like to ask for your contributions for the first time here. Now it's a matter of helping the people of Nepal.

       I have a friend named Suresh Tamang, he is  a Buddhist. (Officially, 11% of Nepalese are Buddhists, and  81% are Hindus). Suresh and I attended a training course in Sweden  in  2002.  After the training course,  I went to Nepal 2 times,  covering  half of the country. When Suresh visited Thailand, I acted as  his local guide. Now Suresh has completed his social welfare doctorate degree at the USA. Before his study in the USA, he had  many years of working experience  with non-profit non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Nepal, as a social worker and public health coordinator to help villagers in local communities.  So he has relations with community networks. After finishing his study, he is planning to return to Nepal to work and help his country again.


I and my wife  with Suresh’s family in Bhaktapur, this temple is totally collapsed due to the quake (Photo: Suresh Tamang)

       A few days ago, Suresh  informed me that he and his group are raising fund to help the people of Nepal who have suffered from the earthquake. People can donate money via this website.  And he also asked me to tell this story through  my website


cultural exchange between us (Photo: Suresh Tamang)

       I asked him what he will do with the money he is raising, he explained that this calamity in Nepal was very great and serious. People need both short- and long- term assistances, to remedy, relieve, rehabilitate, and  reconstruct  their lives, both physically and mentally.  All  individuals, families and communities, especially  pregnant women, children, the disabled, and  injured need helps.

       The proceeds from the raising will be used in activities such as training staff and community leaders   to help those affected people recover from the calamity,  to buy necessary things,  and conduct  training. The target groups and activities include children, families,  activities centers and  learning centers in the villages, safe space  for children, the disabled and so on.

       For me,  the activities of my friend’s group are  very helpful for local people  because Mr. Suresh  is a Buddhist in the country where most people are Hindus. He has many years of working experience   as a social worker and healthcare coordinator. He has a network working together in the community. And his project will  involve  the affected communities to participate in helping the communities themselves. His work is not   that of an outsider who does not know the community,  though  such help is necessary in the beginning. But for long-term sustainability, it must be a holistic community-based approach which provides assistance  to  communities. Only by this method, the Nepalese who suffered will be able to  support themselves and return to normal life as before.

      I tell this to ask you to consider. If you wish to help,  click the “Donate Now” button in the website.


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